Pilcher’s Shoes, located in the old International Palace of Sports within the small town of North Webster Indiana, is a local family-owned and operated business that specializes in ensuring that every customer has a proper fit. Shoes can vary in fit and firmness from brand to brand, style to style, and even color to color. We work with each staff member and help train them in how to properly fit and tailor insoles to fit all your shoe needs.
Some people have heel, knee, hip, and back pain that is caused by wearing the wrong size and style of shoe. This is because the correct way to fit your foot is to fit the ball of the foot in just the right place. In other words, your shoe length is determined by how long and high your arch is, not the overall length from heel to toe like you would assume.

History of the Pilcher’s Shoes
Founded in 1947, Doug Pilcher started up shop in uptown Syracuse, Indiana with a small storefront and a big personality. Doug grew his business into a destination spot for anyone needing hard-to-find sizes. Pilcher’s Shoes continued to grow and to move to several different locations in Syracuse between 1947 to 1990.

In the 70’s, Doug turned the business over to his son Robert (Bob) Pilcher. In 1990, Bob moved the business to the castle in North Webster Indiana (formerly the International Palace of Sports). Pilcher’s Shoes still remains the number one destination for the hard-to-fit. Pilcher’s stocks men’s sizes 5-20, women’s sizes 4-13, and widths ranging from 4A to 14E.
Have any questions or suggestions? Call us at (574) 834-7463.